Thursday 6 April 2017

LA Noire not so Black and White

Last night I was playing the Complete Edition of L. A. Noire on the PS3.  I was having a few problems.  As well as the Marriage Made in Heaven case, which I've done before when playing the basic game, I did two of the six extra cases which come with the Complete Edition.  I did okay but not great on The Concul's Car and didn't think it was a badly put together case but when I got to A Slip of the Tongue I got confused.

There were seventeen questions to ask.  A lot of the clues were pieces of paperwork and there was such a large number of them (eighteen), that when a witness was being evasive it was hard to know whether one of them would be considered adequate evidence that they were lying or not.  Once or twice I thought that a particular piece of evidence was absolute proof but when I hit the Lie button the reason why Cole Phelps (the game's hero) suggested it was proof was not the reason I thought it was.  I only got ten of the seventeen question right.

At the end of the case Cole got a bollocking from the Lieutenant (or is he the Captain) because all the suspects had been released due to lack of evidence.  I felt a bit hard done by.

Judging by this YouTube footage I was not the only one who struggled with the case.  (Click through to YouTube and keep watching successive vids to see the complete case.)

You can see my latest YouTube video below.  It is of some Dragon Age Origins gameplay.

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