Monday 13 February 2012

Nothing Dirty

Why Colin McRae Dirt has a 12+ rating is a mystery.  It seems like good clean fun.

I have great loyalty to CMR 2005 (see an earlier entry) but I have to be honest and admit that there are some aspects of this successor which are better.

One is that if you want to just drive and have fun, you can.  In the earlier game not doing your homework by setting up the car properly would often lead to disaster.  Here, you can get away with the default settings and why not?  If you are into all that garage stuff  there are many components on the car that you can adjust.

I'm Winning - Hooray!
 I made the mistake of playing through the whole of the career mode at Rookie difficulty.  It is so laughably easy that it is impossible to fail to progress.  The idea was that I would unlock all the races.  I thought: I've paid for the game, why shouldn't I have access to them all.

I wasn't too far in when I got bored of the uncompetative nature of the game but felt compelled to carry on.  I thought it might get harder as I went up the career pyramid but it really didn't.

It's a fun game, though, with a great variety of events and vehicles so I whole heartedly recomend it.  It is not ideal for rally purists like the earlier Colin McRae games - it is harder to get the cars to slide at the corners and the co-driver calls have a lot more mistakes - but I still recommend it whole heatedly, but stay away from the easiest difficulty as you don't need it even if you are as generally useless as me.

Racedriver Grid has now arrived in the post so there is more excitement to come.

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