Monday 12 August 2013

Indie Games Good - AAA Bad

It seems to be the fashion in the gaming media to regard indie games as being organic and artful in a way that triple A titles cannot achieve.

Okay, so good art is rarely made by committee and there are large teams working on most big games, but if an individual has an inspired idea for a 30 hour open world action adventure it is not possible for them to make it themselves and they have to get the backing they need to get a team working on it.

At the other end of the scale it is perfectly possible for an individual or small group to decide to try to milk the smart phone app or PC market for all it is worth and make a series of slap dash efforts and heavily publicise them;  EA are not the only people who might be seen as cashing in on the games marked.

I am not claiming that this is what always happens when an indie is successful.  I'm sure that Thomas Was Alone is an excellent game for what it is, but is it fair to compare it to a detailed and lengthy triple A game which has had so much more work put into it.

Perhaps that is the real point.  Good and bad art come in all shapes and sizes but those who put in a lot of work deserve some credit, even if their results are not always great.

But most significantly, AAA titles should be considered for the very best review scores even if they are made by a developer with an unfashionable reputation and are the fifth in a previously mediocre series and are published by one of those publishers often thought of as most soulless.

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