Monday 21 May 2012

My Hand Was Made Strong

After two previous, halting attempts to get into this Red Dead Redemption, each of which only lasted for a couple of days, I have at last made a start on it in earnest and I am properly hooked.

You play John Marston, the reformed outlaw who is seeking revenge on his former gang members for betraying him. Marston's movements when he runs are a bit awkward and he jumps like a horse trying to jump on the spot, only getting about a foot off the ground. Marston's personality is a bit variable. Sometimes he seems a nasty piece of work and bullying towards some of the people he meets but at other times he is a bit of a pushover and runs errands for them no questions asked and with no guarantee that they will do what he wants in return.

I enjoy the shooting mechanic (reminiscent of COD 4) where if you are nearly aiming at an enemy you can pull L2 to bring the reticule onto the target.  Modern Warfare is all in first person, of course, but here the standard view is third person and L2 pulls it in to being more over the shoulder.

As you move around the wild west world of RDR you can run into minor side quests, marked as a blue dot on the map and you can chose to ignore them or intervene.  often it will be chasing down a thief or rescuing someone who is about to be unjustly hanged.  Occasionally there will be no blue dot but apparently dramatic events will happen around you and it is initially tempting to dismiss these as wallpaper designed to make the world look more interesting but even here you can react to what you see and be rewarded if you do.  Your Fame and Honor (spelt wrongly) go up if you respond in the right way.  It is not yet clear to me what the consequences of this are but I think crimes are more likely to be overlooked as one of them improves (I'm not sure which one).

Bonnie's face is a bit distorted here because the pisture is not lying flat - she's actually quite a looker.

The boxed version of Red Dead Redemption includes a large fold out map / poster of Bonnie (one of the games main NPCs) and a substantial, informative and colourful manual.  Why anyone would pay more for the download and get less I don't know.

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