Wednesday 9 May 2012

'Til the day I die

Well, I was a lot closer to the end of Batman Arkham Asylum than I realised and I've now finished.  I haven't done all of the challenges or even unlocked them all but the main adventure is done with.

There were rather a lot of boss fights in the run up to the end but they were not totally frustrating ones, and the final one against the Joker was surprisingly doable.

I have now started on Battlefield, Bad Company.  Everything I'm going to write here applies to the single player campaign.

The game is really effective.  There are probably fewer enemies to kill in each section than in COD 4 which I wrote about recently.  The combat areas are generally quite wide and you can choose which direction to attack from.  It usually pays not to go in head-on but to sneak around the sides.

You get an infinite number of health packs, and they restore your health completely with just a short cooldown period, but that has not stopped me from dying through simply forgetting to use them.  The small number of enemies and wide area does mean that there is no real need to die (playing on medium of 3 difficulty levels as I am), you can just take out one or two and then hide while you heal yourself.  I have already received the Hypochondriac trophy which I think was for using health packs when I still had more than half of my health.

The game so far has taken place outdoors and moving in and out of small, highly destructible buildings.  Walls, trees and sandbags can also be blow aside to reveal the enemy and this is an important strategy.

Though there have not been crowded, intense battles yet there is always a lot of tension as you creep towards the enemy's location, only knowing roughly where they are.  The game works brilliantly and has better characters than any military FPS I've played so far and I'm really looking forwarding to continuing it.

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