Sunday 13 May 2012

Small Gripe

Well, I have made a bit more progress with both Battlefield: Bad Company and Split/Second Velocity.

Bad Company is getting a bit tougher but is still not too hard.  The one thing I am failing to do is find any the gold.  I am in the 3rd area and should have found about 12 cases of it by now but have only got 2.  I don't really mind, it is not what I would regard as the purpose of the game and is in fact a bit of a distraction from the main business, which is killing guys who are trying to kill me.

I have recently been on the golf course area and could not resist a drive in one of the golf carts.  It seemed prudent to trade it in for a tank when the opportunity arose, though.

Now for my complaint.  I have found that the areas which you are allowed to go into during any one mission are not always accurately marked on the mini map.  The way the game lets you know your are straying outside the permitted boundaries is to give a radio call telling you that you are within range of enemy artillery.  If you do not leave the area fast you suddenly find yourself dead.  The regions into which you should not stray are usually marked red on the mini map but sometimes you get the radio warning when you are comfortably outside the red area.  Usually the marking is spot on but sometimes it is badly wrong.

The is not much to report about Split/Second.  I have been moving through the episodes, still unable to do the Air Strike events.  Air revenge has now been introduced where you can redirect rockets back towards the helicopter which is trying to take you out.  There is no limit on the number of lives you get, you just have to take the chopper out faster than your opponents did.  It is very satisfying but I'm still not great at it.

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