Monday 12 March 2012

Am I Weird?

I'm scared of games.

Not new games that I've never played before; they are exciting.

I am scared of games which I have played part of the way through but not completed.  I am afraid to pick them up again and carry on.

I am partly worried that I won't be able to remember how to play them.  I think that this is partly because I remember their frustrations better than their joys.

I am suffering this phenomenon with Arkham Asylum and Mirror's Edge in particular, though there are others I could name.  With Batman it's partly down to the fighting which I find tricky, but I think I was having some problems with getting through the story, too.

Mirror's Edge I find to be just a difficult game and the memory of it's white cityscapes and pleasing anime cut-scenes has not yet been enough to draw me back to face it's well armed police and repeated deaths from falling.  That changes tonight!

To change the subject completely, I have bought Street Fighter IV second hand on ebay and should get it soon.  I hardly ever play fighting games so I will report back on my disasters with this one once I've given it a good try.

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